I have only just realised that it has been one year since I last posted a blog......and so much has happened. Just over 12 months ago, I had a fall resulting in a double ankle fracture. It gave me time to write and finish my Ah-Fur, Super Sleuth chapter book. It was released in August, 2022, and I was so excited to see it in print and as an e-book. I have continued to stock my books and puppets at our local art and craft store, and in January 2023 I took on the role of the social media officer for the shop. Last November I completed an Upgrade Your Digital Skills course online and was deemed competent! But for the high spots, there have been lows, and in particular, I have just lost my older daughter suddenly. There are no words to describe the pain. However, I am continuing to write to give myself a focus and keep going. She was undoubtedly my biggest fan and was so proud of her mum becoming an author. I am currently writing a YA fairy/folk tale for a forthcoming YA anthology, which my Rebekah would have loved, as she was a huge fantasy and folk tale fan. I plan to dedicate it to her memory. I have also finally completed the first book in another Chapter book series which has been a WIP since August 2020. After many edits I am wondering which way I will progress with it. In January this year, 2023, a Middle-Grade short story I had written back in 2019 was accepted for inclusion in an another upcoming anthology. Maybe with our words we can inspire others, help them to dream, and perhaps, to overcome the deep painful spots of life.